Bacon, Eggs & BMWs
Words & Photos by Henry Phull
It’s been a long time since I had a car day, the last event was Show & Glow, so I was thrilled to hear of a BMW meet up on Sunday. The event ‘Bacon, Eggs & BMWs’ was organised by Bimmer Boys UK and held at Fairoaks Airport in Woking mainly as they had a big car park and a great cafe for a full English. I’d never been to any of these guys events so I didn’t know what to expect. Surprisingly the weather was ideal, so I set off from the South coast nice and early with a few other local friends. Fry up and BMWs, sounds like a perfect Sunday…
Matt has recently acquired this E34 540i, and I’m not going to hide the fact that I am extremely jealous, as this is what I am after for my next project. Expect a lot of photos…
A few rollers of our cruise through the New Forest and M3.
We made a short pit stop at Fleet services to meet up with a few others before the final convoy to Fairoaks.
The turnout was pretty impressive, with a large variety of bimmers and something for everyone to enjoy.
Impressive ride height on the rear of this compact…
Tallis’ M3 cab was looking stunning with its new suspension set up, we’ll be seeing more of this very soon.
The twins!
Of course I had to seize the opportunity for an impromptu shoot with Rich’s E39 and Matt’s E34.
A nice surprise to the end of the morning was when Kav turned up in his stunning M5 and stole the show. The noise this makes is out of this world, incredible.
I thoroughly enjoyed the morning and it was great to meet some new faces. It was a shame we couldn’t get on to the airport runway but it was still a nice relaxed venue to hold the meet. Thanks for inviting us and hopefully we’ll be at the next Bimmer Boys meet next month at Ace Cafe London.