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Article: Early Edition 2014: Part 1

Early Edition 2014: Part 1

Words & Photos by Henry Phull


Another Sunday, another car show. This time I travelled up to Northampton Saints Rugby Club where the organisers of one of the UK’s biggest VAG shows, Edition38, hold their annual warm up show ‘Early Edition’. It’s only been going for a few years and I was expecting it to be a rather small show. On the contrary… I have never seen so many people at a car show before; the turnout was outstanding. This year they managed to completely fill the overtop car parks surrounding the rugby stadium. Clearly people couldn’t wait to show off their new projects at what is one of the first main outdoor shows of the year, that and the amazing weather – I even managed to get a little sunburnt!


Here in Part 1 of our coverage, I’ll take you through my highlights from the main show ground. The second part will feature the cars from the lower and upper surrounding car parks.




The step up lip on these BBS’ were pretty impressive. Not entirely sure how I feel about the final result, but it is cool nonetheless.




Louis Nobbs’ Lido Green Mk2 Jetta was one of my highlights at the main E38 show last year. For 2014 he’s switched up the wheels for a set of BBS RC041’s with a polished lip. You’ll be hard-pressed to find a nicer Mk2 Jetta in the country.



I had a sneak peek of Famous James’ new wheels during the build process, and I’m delighted he managed to pull them off. Yes, they are indeed Koala splits.. certainly not to everyone’s taste, but for Jame’s its all about being different and he has succeeded in doing so yet again.




This was without doubt one of the nicest Mk2’s of the day, Tim Vincent’s stunning example sitting well on face mounted RS’s.




With Ultimate Dubs and now here at Early Edition, it’s becoming clear that this year is all about wheel modification. Check out these 18″ RFs on Dale Buckley’s TT…



It was good to see the Airlift/Rotiform Mk2 in the daylight, having previously been indoors at Ultimate Dubs.





RCs are a difficult wheel to pull off, but they looked outstanding on this black Mk4.





On the Meguiar’s stand was this TT sitting on newly coloured Rotiform DIA’s.



Siting alongside it, Dale Masterman’s lovely bagged Beetle.






Last time I saw the Edge Automotive RX-7 was at Players. As if this car couldn’t get any wilder – it’s now bright blue! A brave choice, but it really works and looks more aggressive than ever.



The Auto Finesse project Caddy was looking super shiny in the sunlight.



Undoubtedly one of the most photographed cars at UD14 was Steve Fraser’s Mk6 Golf GTI. I’ve been waiting patiently to capture it outdoors and this was my chance! It’s a mean looking machine.



Autostrada Monza splits are always a winner and look awesome on Steve’s Mk6.



The car scene unfortunately can become a little boring at times, especially when people hang on to current trends and cars end up looking the same time and time again. Ok, one argument is that if it looks good, why change it? On the other hand, enter Julian Loose’s Avant with the opinion splitting Messer wheels. You’re quite simply going to either love or hate these, clearly! But, you just don’t see these around our parts, so I salute you Julian.



However, you can make common wheels unique, just take Kats Giles’ 3SDMs which have been given the Flocky treatment.



So this has got to be my favourite photo of the day, can I have one of these pups please?





I’m becoming a big fan of the new Rotiform OZT’s.



The Still Static Golf is modern car perfection for me. I’m more of a classic guy, but if I had to have something newer this would be it. Those black Eta Beta rims really expose the awesome Lambo brakes showing what a weapon of a car this is.





Wilma wagon was looking great in the sunlight!



It was good to see one of the best ever Mk3’s again, such attention to detail with this car.




On the whole it was a great day, seeing a few old faces from UD in addition to several cars making their 2014 debut. The right atmosphere was evident; sunshine, friends, tunes, beers and cars – for car enthusiasts, what more could you want on a Sunday? And that’s not it yet, check back for Part 2 of our coverage where I’ll take you for a tour around both surrounding car parks, for a whole variety of cars.

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