The Auto Finesse Chill & Grill 2017

Date: 29 May 2017
Location: The Star, Standon
Words & Photos by Henry Phull


If you’re a car enthusiast, go to shows, or have an interest in car cleaning and detailing, chances are you’ve heard of Auto Finesse. They’ve been around since 1999, but seen a huge expansion over recent years, offering a huge range of quality car cleaning products and are known for their presence throughout the car show calendar. It was their demo vehicles which first had us noticing the brand, with a whole host of classic Volkswagens including a Mk1 Caddy, Type2 hightop, and a selection of incredible Mk2 Golfs (all fully built to a high standard), they certainly know how to attract attention to themselves. More recently they’ve been expanding into other marques with a bagged BMW F80 M3 and a Ford Transit Connect M Sport, to name a few – it’s clear that James and the team at Auto Finesse absolutely love cars and aren’t just in this to make a buck. Auto Finesse has become a household name within the car community, so what better way to get fans, customers, and those simply intrigued by the brand, together in one venue. This called for a special gathering, the ‘Chill & Grill’, which debuted last year with the help of The Star pub in Standon, Hertfordshire (not far from their HQ), hosting a BBQ and turning their car park and pub garden into a display of pre-selected show cars of every variety. Sadly we missed out in 2016, but when Team AF decided to bring it back this year, we jumped at the opportunity and made our way up to Hertfordshire.


Auto Finesse’s BMW F80 M3 on HP Drivetech / AccuAir suspension & ADV.1 wheels




Auto Finesse’s BBS-kitted VW Mk2 Golf on Air Lift suspension




Taylor Hetherington’s BMW E24 635CSI on BBS Mahle’s





Faz Ahmed’s S50-swapped BMW E30 cabriolet on Air Lift suspension & BBS RS’



Eloise Saunders’ Audi Mk3 TT on Air Lift suspension & Rotiform RSE‘s



Si Watson’s Mk2 Golf VR6 on BBS RS’



Calvin Buyuk’s Audi A5 on Air Lift / AccuAir suspension & Radi8 r8t12’s




Keil Critten’s R32-swapped VW Mk3 Golf on Air Lift Suspension & custom-built VR6 splits




Roval Waithe’s VW Mk7 Golf GTI on Air Lift suspension & Rotiform CCV‘s




Gursh Chohan’s BMW E30 cabriolet on Air Lift suspension & BBS RS





Alex Collins’ Audi S1 on Air Lift suspension & Fifteen52 Turbomac’s



Auto Finesse’s Type2 hightop




Ben Kmita’s supercharged Mk3 Golf VR6 on Air Lift suspension & ACT’s






Andy Ware’s Mk6 Golf on Air Lift suspension & stepped-up BBS RS’s




Jon Lawrence’s Audi B5 S4 on Air Lift suspension & Rotiform IND’s



Kim Cowden’s Mk1 Golf on BBS E55’s




With 50 cars in a pre-selected show & shine area, plus an additional field to cater for the extra 200 cars that turned up this year, there was plenty of cool stuff to see. Tied with a fantastic barbecue, bar, DJ, and the Auto Finesse store (for the chance to stock up on products, and chat with team members), it was an awesome little event with a perfect chilled vibe – ideal for a Bank Holiday. To top things off, ‘Chill & Grill’ was open to anyone and completely free! You can’t say fairer than that, right? Keep up the awesome work guys.





More info on Auto Finesse:
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