Bimmer Boys Start of Season Meet
Words & Photos by Henry Phull
After Ultimate Dubs last weekend it was nice to get back to what I most enjoy, BMWs. This Sunday was the ‘Bimmer Boys‘ second meet of the year, following the successful “Bacons, Eggs & BMWs” meeting in Woking a few weeks ago. This time things have been stepped up a notch, holding the meet at an iconic motoring landmark – the Ace Cafe in London. The organisers timed it nicely as a start to the show season, a good chance to see what everyone had been working on over Winter, before the larger shows start coming up.
Seeing as I am carless at the moment, I took the trip up to London with Rich – who’s E39 we featured recently. We heard of a convoy starting from the Verizon building in Reading just off the M4, so we set off and met a few of the guys there.
We had a nice little drive into West London, giving everyone the chance to see each others cars rolling, and to hear some nice sounds!
We arrived at the Ace Cafe in good time, allowing a click clean of the cars. Did I mention we now have t-shirts for sale? Check out our store: http://slamsanctuary.bigcartel.com
It turned out that some of the guys from Total M Cars beat us there, and bagged the best parking spaces. A really nice selection of M3s on display here.
Kav’s F10 M5 had people stopping in their tracks as usual, not only is it a stunning looking car, but it sounds mean too.
A few cars you may recognise from the previous meet also turned up.
Gorgeous Schnitzer splits with meaty tyres on this E46 M3.
Rich has now added front ambers to his E39 since we featured it, they really make a difference!
And of course Tallis’ E36 M3, now rocking a lovely set of Speedline splits.
This was a great example of an E30, sitting on style 32s. Black on black with sport leather interior.
Ben’s bagged 335d is now running a set of 3SDM 0.06’s.
Later in the day, everyone suddenly rushed over to the entrance. I wondered what was going on, then noticed that Studio Incar had just rolled in to the car park with their crazy E92 M3.
These guys pretty much stole the show. And to step up the game further, they had Nick and his E30 M3 along with them.
Show season has barely started and this M3 has become one of the most talked about cars already. I saw it last weekend indoors at Ultimate Dubs, so it was ideal to finally see it out in the sunlight to admire the paintwork.
Notice the private plate, meaning “purist”, which goes to show the “no f**ks given” attitude the guys had when building this car. Firstly, it is on air ride. Secondly, it has had a full S54 engine swap – which I didn’t even realise when I first saw the car last week. Clearly a lot of work has gone into the build, fair play to the guys at Studio Incar for doing something so crazy. I guess you’re either going to love or hate it, and I’m sure it will continue to be one of the most popular cars this year.
So there’s your air ride fix.. then Jas arrived in his E38, nicknamed the ‘Slamsporter’. This thing is completely static and seriously low for a 7 series.
A look outside, and there were just as many cool cars parked up on the road…
Including the Mercedes E63 V8 Bi Turbo, we saw this back on the Accuair stand at Ultimate Dubs.
Over the road, George’s E24 635CSi, looking stunning as always.
In standard Ace Cafe meet fashion, cars were parked up all over the pavements surrounding the cafe.
One of my favourite E36 colours, sitting rather nicely on a set of Rondell split rims.
Considering Bimmer Boys only started out last year, the turnout was very impressive. Props to the main organiser Stew for the hard work gone in to getting the group to this stage. As you can see there was a real variation of cars and it was delightful to see everyone getting along and chatting, showing that all BMWs are welcome no matter what your taste.